November 26-30 Schedule

Next Saturday, the calendar flips to the final month of 2012 and the hectic pace of the Christmas rush is upon us.   Please take careful note of the following items.

Homework Expectations:

  1. Reading:   Assigned pages should be read by the student twice to himself and once to a grownup, for a total of three times
  2. Spelling: On the first night the list is assigned, the list should be copied and returned the next school day.   For the next four school nights, the  list should be studied either orally or in written form.   This is preparation for the spelling test.
  3. Math: Fact families should be practiced each night either through flashcards or Live Mathletics.   First grade should practice 0-8 families, while second grade should practice 0-12 families.

Printable math facts families: 1-7 Addition-Subtraction Families   8-13 Addition-Subtraction Families

Homework will continue for the next few weeks.   We still have four full weeks of learning before Christmas holidays begin.   Please continue to help your child complete his/her homework each night.   Your participation in your child’s education is an essential part of his/her continued success.

With four weeks of learning, we will also continue to have regular tests.   Please click, read, print and post our November 26-30 weekly schedule.

Upcoming dates to remember:

Saturday, November 24 = GCS Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction (8am-11:30am)

Friday, December 7 = Grades 1-6 attending matinee production of the Wizard of Oz at Confederation Centre, $10 per student, chaperones are free

Friday, December 14 = Elementary Christmas Program at 1:30pm and/or 6:30pm

Student dress code for the evening program is “special occasion dress”. The GCS handbook states that“on announced special occasions, girls are to wear dresses or skirts with a dressy top. Boys are to wear a dress shirt and a coordinating tie with dress pants.”

Tuesday, December 18 = Gr.1-6 Christmas Outreach (Singing at Whisperwood Villa 1-3pm)

Friday, December 21 = Christmas Parties (school closing at noon)

Christmas Program – Joyland

GCS elementary students are busily preparing for this year’s Christmas program.   Joyland will be presented on Friday, December 14 at 1:30pm and 6:30pm.   Please make plans to attend and invite extended family members to come and enjoy the production as well.

Student dress code for the evening program is “special occasion dress”. The GCS handbook states that“on announced special occasions, girls are to wear dresses or skirts with a dressy top. Boys are to wear a dress shirt and a coordinating tie with dress pants.”   I am looking forward to seeing everyone dressed in their Christmas finery.

November 19-23 Schedule

Thank you to all the parents who took the time to attend parent teacher interviews on Thursday night or Friday morning.   I always enjoy to opportunity to discuss your child and I am pleased to talk about not only their academic growth, but also their social and emotional growth.

Next week is a full and busy five day week.   Please take some time to consider what your family will donate to our school auction and plan to attend pancake breakfast/silent auction on Saturday morning (Nov. 24).   Your donations and purchases will help with the ongoing costs of maintaining our playground, buying new library books, upgrading our computer lab and a myriad of other things that are necessary for GCS to maintain our high standard of excellence in education.

Please click, read, print and post in a prominent location our classroom tests and events schedule: November 19-23   There are many things going on this week, so please read and refer to the schedule often.

Upcoming dates to remember:

Tuesday, November 20 = Silent auction donations due

Wednesday, November 21 = Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes due

Thursday, November 22 = Pancake breakfast tickets and money due

Friday, November 23 = Scholastic book order

Saturday, November 24 = GCS Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction

Friday, December 7 = Grades 1-6 attending matinee production of the Wizard of Oz at Confederation Centre, $10 per student

First Report Card for 2012/2013

Today is report card day.   Your child has their report card safely in the conversation pocket of their agenda.   The report card is yours to keep.   Please sign and return the cream colored communication form in the envelope at your earliest convenience.

Parent/teacher interviews are Thursday evening from 6-9pm or Friday morning from 10am-12pm. Remember, if you would like a parent/teacher interview appointment, please sign the list in the office or contact Miss Fanning and she will help you pick a time convenient for you.

November 12-16 Schedule

Last week was a wonderful short week.   Thank you to all our friends and family who took the time to attend our Remembrance Day assembly and our Grandparents Day program on Thursday.   It was nice to see a visual reminder of your love and support for our students.

There is no school on Monday, November 12 and Friday, November 16.   This is a short week for the students with only three teaching days.   On Wednesday, students will take home their first report card of the 2012-2013 school year.   Thursday evening (6-9pm) and Friday morning (10am-12pm), I will be hosting first quarter parent-teacher interviews.   If you would like to discuss your child’s academic progress, please contact the school office (628-1668) to arrange an appointment time to suit your schedule.

Please click, read, print and post in a prominent location our weekly schedule: November 12-16 .

There are a number of special events happening this week.    The library is hosting an Usborne Book Fair during interviews.   This is an excellent opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts.   For every purchase you make, Usborne will donate money to be spent on new library books.   Students will have a chance to preview books on Thursday afternoon and will take home a wishlist.   Also, on Thursday, Student Council is promoting that all students bring a teddy bear to school in honour of National “Have a Party with your Bear” Day.   Well behaved bears will enjoy a fun-filled, educational day with their owners.   Please check our weekly schedule for other important events.

Upcoming dates to remember:

Monday, November 12 = Remembrance Day Observed (no school)

Wednesday, November 14 = First quarter report cards go home

Thursday, November 15 = Parent Teacher Interviews (6-9pm) Sign up in the office. (Usborne Book Fair)

Friday, November 16 = Patrent Teacher Interviews (10am-12noon) No school for students. (Usborne Book Fair)

Wednesday, November 21 = Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes due

Friday, November 23 = Scholastic book order

Saturday, November 24 = GCS Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction

General Reminders

  1. Tuesday, November 6 is picture retake day in the afternoon.   If your child is having his picture retaken, please email me by noon on Tuesday, so that I am aware of your wishes.  My email is .
  2. Tuesday, November 6 is also spelling test day in our class.   Please spend some time practicing tonight.   First grade is working on list 4 and second grade is working on list 5.
  3. Thursday, November 8 is our annual Remembrance Day (9:15am) and Grandparents Day (10:30am) assemblies.
  • Families are invited to attend both of these programs.
  • Student dress code for both these events is “special occasion dress”. The GCS handbook states that“on announced special occasions, girls are to wear dresses or skirts with a dressy top. Boys are to wear a dress shirt and a coordinating tie with dress pants.”   Please have your child in proper attire and present at the school by 8:55am.
  • School will be closing at noon to give families a chance to spend some time together.

November 5-9 schedule

Fun at the Fire Station:

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Next week is a short, but busy week.    On Thursday, November 8, we will be hosting our annual Remembrance Day assembly in conjunction with Grandparents Day.    Families are invited to attend both of these programs.   Student dress code for both these events is “special occasion dress”. The GCS handbook states that“on announced special occasions, girls are to wear dresses or skirts with a dressy top. Boys are to wear a dress shirt and a coordinating tie with dress pants.”   Please have your child in proper attire and present at the school by 8:55am.   School will be closing at noon to give families a chance to spend some time together.

Click, print, read and post in a prominent spot our schedule: November 5-9

Homework Expectations:

  1. Reading:   Assigned pages should be read by the student twice to himself and once to a grownup, for a total of three times
  2. Spelling: On the first night the list is assigned, the list should be copied and returned the next school day.   For the next four school nights, the  list should be studied either orally or in written form.   This is preparation for the spelling test.
  3. Math: Fact families should be practiced each night either through flashcards or Live Mathletics.   First grade should practice 0-7 families, while second grade should practice 0-11 families.

Printable fact families:  1-7 Addition-Subtraction Families    8-13 Addition-Subtraction Families

Upcoming dates to remember:

Thursday, November 8 = Grandparents Day/Remembrance Day Assemblies (half day of school)

Friday, November 9 = Professional Development (no school for students)

Monday, November 12 = Remembrance Day Observed (no school)

Wednesday, November 14 = First quarter report cards go home

Thursday, November 15 = Parent Teacher Interviews (6-9pm) Sign up in the office. (Usborne Book Fair)

Friday, November 16 = Patrent Teacher Interviews (10am-12noon) No school for students. (Usborne Book Fair)

Wednesday, November 21 = Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes due

Friday, November 23 = Scholastic book order

Saturday, November 24 = GCS Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction