General Information + Fairy Tale Adventure Day

1. Cold weather alert: Please continue to allow your child to bring one small toy for indoor recess.   Remember this should be a toy he/she is willing to share.   This makes indoor recess fun for the students and the time passes more quickly for their teacher.

2. Suggestion to beat the indoor winter woes:  Mathletics    ( , user names and passwords are stapled inside the cover of your child’s agenda).    There are many different things to do including: core activities, Live Mathletics, and games.   Live Mathletics is a fun and exciting way to practice math facts.

Three-Little-Pigs-3[1]3. Fairy Tale Adventure Day is fast approaching (Monday, January 28).   On Monday, students have been encouraged to dress up as a favorite fairy tale character.   I am looking to borrow any fairy tale books that you might have at home.   If you have any books you could loan me, please label them with your child’s name and send them in at your earliest convenience.   This will help me tremendously.

4. Guess That Fairy Tale Project: in the pocket of your child’s agenda, please find a paper bag and instructions on how to complete this project.   Here’s a copy of the instructions: Guess That Fairy Tale.   Completed projects are due by Friday, January 25.   Please contact me if you have any questions.